My kitties are my babies. I love them dearly despite the fact that they make my house smell like poo, often wake me up an hour before I actually have to be up, and claw the shit out of my love seat even though they have a large scratching post/cat tree. The one thing that has been driving me bananas is the shedding...Jubey isn't shedding too badly but ANGUS FUR IS EVERYWHERE. least it was!
Before I used to vacuum about once a week. I would use a large bagless vacuum. It does a pretty decent job with the rugs. I was finding that the vacuum was not able to get at some of the hair in the tight spaces and corners of our home. It was also unable to do much for the hair inhabiting the couch, futon, and our bedding.
I ventured to Walmart in search of a handheld vacuum. I assumed this would be a pretty boring purchase. I was wrong! This purchase ended up being quite thrilling! really!
I purchased a handheld cordless vacuum which Bissel has dubbed the "Pet Eraser". I was intrigued by its name and the paw prints on the packaging. The price was decent as well at $49. There was a $25 option as well but it had way less voltage and I figured it wouldn't last very long. Sometimes it is best to invest in better quality appliances. Instead of researching reviews of the "Pet Eraser" I made an impulse decision and purchased it.
I would like to introduce you to the best invention for pet hair EVER. So here is this dandy device. Notice that it doesn't need a cord. This is great! When the battery dies you simply put it in its charging dock.
Like so...
A little light will come on and that is how you know it is charging. This dock can also be mounted to the wall for easy storage. I have chosen to leave mine on the floor in the spare bedroom in plain sight because I like to admire it. Don't act like you aren't admiring it too...
The end of the vacuum pulls out so that you have an extended wand like device. This is handy for getting deep into the depths of the couch. You know..where all those popcorn kernels are that you know are there, but are too lazy to deal with. This wand is also handy for vacuuming the CATS. Yes. That's right. You can actually use this to vacuum the cats. I will be the first to admit that many cats will likely NOT like this or be willing to put up with it. Before PETA comes to take away my kitties I assure you that this is perfectly safe to use on animals. You can even order an entire grooming kit for this vacuum which includes various grooming heads for this vacuum. Jubey (my female) ran away from me when I tried to vacuum her and didn't appreciate it at all. Angus, however, really enjoyed the experience. I vacuumed his back first and then he rolled over and exposed his belly for me. When I shut off the vacuum, he chased me to the garbage where I was emptying the fur into the trash. Please keep the vacuum away from their ears, eyes, and mouth though. I just used it on his belly and back where the hair really tends to build up.
This vacuum really does a great job of sucking up cat hair, dirt and cat litter! It is really handy for when you have some cat hair or cat litter to clean up, but don't really have the gumption to bring out the heavy, clunky vacuum. It is not silent by any means, but it doesn't make a deafening noise either. Both cats did not seem to care about the noise. They tend to be fearful of my large vacuum.
I would definitely recommend this vacuum to anyone who wants to make cleaning around the home much easier. I would HIGHLY recommend this vacuum to pet owners.
And before you judge me...vacuuming a cat in a safe manner is not cruel. If you do not get rid of this fur, your cats will start throwing up cat hair balls on your freshly vacuumed rug. They can also choke on their fur balls as well.
I hope this post was useful to you fellow pet owners and neurotic house cleaners. If it wasn't helpful, then I am just a crazy cat lady excited about a vacuum.
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