Saturday, 16 June 2012

Trash Talk

Why is throwing away beauty products SO DIFFICULT? I don't know if anyone else struggles to throw away beauty products, but I find it very difficult.  It feels like parting with a long time friend.  It is absolute insanity that I am so unable to let go of old makeup.  I figure it largely has to do with the fact that makeup is so costly and I begin to evaluate how much the items cost me, as well as the fact that I see my makeup as part of my collection and I don't want to give up some of my collection.  I will even throw things away and then proceed to stare at them in the trash, often considering retrieving them out of the trash. I know...I need help.

My makeup collection is quite substantial and I need to get rid of the things that have either spoiled, dried up or I no longer use. I also hold on to items even though I don't like the product.What's up with that? I have no intentions of using them, in yet I hold on to them. WHY???? I actually have to think about if I am ready to throw away the product for SEVERAL days.

It is often said that if you have no worn an outfit in six months, you are unlikely to ever wear it again.  I have been trying to apply this rule when considering what to throw away.  I am forcing myself to throw away one beauty product for every product that I purchase at the drugstore.

So what am I throwing away? Let's take out the trash!

The ELF Zit Zapper! I had high hopes for this product.  Obviously we should expect miracles from a tube of alcohol claiming to zap away zits for $1. I used this product many times and even convinced myself that it really was working to clear up my blemishes.  Once I finally decided to be honest with myself and realized it wasn't really lived in my bathroom cupboard for months. Goodbye Zit Zapper.

Next up we have my Hard Candy lip liner in the colour "blush". I held on to this for almost a year because the colour is quite nice- or at least that's what I tried to tell myself so that I wouldn't have to throw it away. This liner BLOWS. It is just awful. Flaw 1: It is REALLY dry. You really have to press hard to get a decent amount of pigment. Flaw 2: It looks decent when swatched but is really difficult to apply to the actual lips and REALLY have to press to get the colour to apply properly. Flaw 3 (and most obvious reason I should not still have this): I DON'T WEAR LIP LINER. In my defence, I got this in a Hard Candy kit, but still....TRASH.

Delux sample of Urban Decay Primer Potion! I have absolutely no excuse for still having this. It is completely dried out and half the paint is missing on it. A sane person would properly assess this as being trash purely based on how badly chipped off the paint is...for me, however, IT MUST BE HOARDED. I have many other primers that need to used. I did use this as much as possible and it provided an astonishing number of applications. Dumpster time!

Skincare samples! UGHHHH I have so many skin care samples that I am never going to use and I know it. What is particularly shameful about the Olay samples pictured here is that I've kept TWO samples of the same thing that I won't use. WHY? WHY? WHY? The product is called Olay Regenerist and it is a wrinkle cream...if I keep these products around until I have wrinkles PLEASE LOCK ME UP. The second product pictured here is a face and neck toning gel. I don't even really know what that is but man I better hoard it- Geez. I shouldn't even feel bad about throwing away these since I didn't even buy them. They can live with Oscar the Grouch now!

This one is actually quite painful for me to throw away. This is the Maybelline "The Colossal" mascara.  I have had this for well over a year. I do not typically follow the "3 month" rule for throwing away mascara. Mainly because I have a hard enough time throwing away things that have been around 12 months. This mascara was wonderful and I may purchase it again some day. My only complaint is that it smells horrible and always has. It is pretty much dried up now and what is coming out on the brush just goops on the end of the brush. In yet...I continued to use it for weeks and convinced myself that it was still performing like it did when it was new. I will have to actually put this one in the large garbage can outside because I fear I will pick it out of the indoor trash cans.

So that's it folks.  From now on I will be throwing away one product per product purchased.  I hope this post inspires others to look at their collection and determine what needs to be in the trash!



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